write in the first person
support your points of why
do not directly address the reader
DoD Directive 3000.05 STABILIZATION
“This directive: a. Reissues DoD Directive (DoDD) 3000.07 (Reference (a)) to establish policy and assign responsibilities for DoD conduct of IW and development of capabilities to address irregular challenges or threats to national security in accordance with DoDD 5100.01 (Reference (b)). b. Requires that any conflicting issuances be identified to the Under Secretary of Defense for Policy (USD(P)) and the Director of Administration.”
Option # choose any terrorism organization
A terrorist is an individual who uses violence, terror, and intimidation to achieve a result (DOD). Terrorist attacks employ violence primarily against noncombatants as a way to increase the population’s vulnerability and decrease their perception of security. Insurgent terrorism techniques include assassination, arson, blackmail, bombings, hijacking, kidnapping, threats, murder, mutilation, and torture. The insurgent using terrorism often targets economic and political symbols to undermine the legitimacy of the government. Any overreaction by government forces or other authorities adds to the population’s resentment toward the government and turns its support to the insurgency. Insurgents using terrorism generally require fewer personnel than guerrilla warfare or conventional operations. Inherently, these activities have greater security and lower support requirements. Insurgents using terrorism often select targets for their political and psychological impact. Their attacks can be effective in generating popular support within one faction when used against a competing faction. They can also be effective in forcing government reaction that alters government policies to benefit insurgent objectives