9 2 final project submission case analysis
Everything needed is attached, passed papers to put everything together as well as make necessary edits based on the comments left. Please put this paper all together and make the necessary changes according to the feedback for each milestone the milestones are attached in order. Also conclusion rubric is attached cunclusion will need to be added to the final paper.
Submit the final case analysis. It should be a complete, polished artifact containing all of the critical elements of the final product. It should reflect the incorporation of feedback gained throughout the course. Be sure to organize your paper in the same order as the sections (I–VI) listed in the prompt.
Feedback for 2-2 Final Project Milestone One: Introduction to Case Analysis
PSY 545 Milestone One Feedback: Introduction – Identifying a Scenario: You chose and identified the scenario that you have chosen to analyze for your Final Project. Introduction – Key Facts: You provided a concise overview of the key facts in your chosen scenario that are relevant to the issues and needs in this case. Introduction – Issues: You identified and articulated some of the key issues in this scenario which must be addressed by a forensic psychologist. A suggestion for improvement in your final submission would be to review the following list and describe the primary issue first, followed by the rest of the issues. The key issues can be found in your framing questions. Those issues are: Capital Punishment Sentencing (Competency Evaluations):
Introduction – Needs: You identified and articulated some of the needs of the client, their defense team, and the court in this scenario. A suggestion for improvement would be to relate needs to the specific issues in this case. Be sure to address the way you as a forensic psychologist will meet those needs in your future milestones. Articulation of Response: You wrote in an organized and logical fashion with no grammar, spelling, syntax, or citation errors. A suggestion for improvement would be to remove the section titles following “Introduction”, as those sections are part of future milestones. This milestone is just the Introduction so for your final submission, revise your text to include only the information required for this particular milestone as show in the Final Project Guidelines and Rubric found in Learning Module One. Please reach out with any questions. |
Feedback for 4-2 Final Project Milestone Two: Methodology and Theory
Samantha- Please review the feedback below and revise and resubmit your Milestone Two as soon as possible so I can regrade it for you. Read the rubric for this milestone and focus on the criteria specified in the rubric – the goal is to put together a psychological assessment process for this defendant regardless of your personal position on the death penalty. Our professional assessments should be apolitical and only focus on the empirical evidence for the process itself. Take a look at the rubric for this Milestone and that will provide you with guidance about what to include in this portion of the assignment. Scientific Methodology – Specific to the Scenario: A suggestion for improvement would be to choose an appropriate scientific methodology and use it to evaluate and analyze this scenario in detail. Theoretical Framework – Evidence-Based Approaches: A suggestion for improvement would be to apply your research to the development of an evidence-based approach to effective client services in this scenario. Theoretical Framework – Psychological Theory: A suggestion for improvement would be to select a psychological theory that relates to this scenario and describe the factors behind your choice as well as the rationale for your choice. Here are some links to help guide you in the selection and description of your psychological theory and appropriate scientific methodology: Capital Punishment Sentencing (Competency Evaluations): This link will provide you with information on how the APA views the death penalty https://www.apa.org/about/policy/death-penalty And this link will provide you with the text of Ford v. Wainwright, the seminal Supreme Court case on competency for execution, which is the central issue in this case https://www.law.cornell.edu/supremecourt/text/477/399 Theoretical Framework – Scenario: A suggestion for improvement would be to outline the recommended best practices or approaches for your chose scientific methodology as it relates to this scenario. Articulation of Response A suggestion for improvement would be to review the rubric for this Milestone to ensure that you are satisfying the assignment criteria. Please reach out with any questions. Feedback for 6-2 Final Project Milestone Three: Ethics and Diversity