a draft amp an essay 2

Documented Essay Assignment and Topic

We are ready to begin working on our research essay although it is not due for another week or more. We will all use the same topic, a simple one that is focused on explaining Juan Rulfo’s Pedro Paramo, when it was written, what it is about, its influence on Latin American Literature. I suggest that you start with simple research about Pedro Paramo.

As you prepare this essay please beware that you must include and quote three to five outside sources, use the MLA format, and in the process of the paper explain Pedro Paramo, its origins, intentions, and influences. If you have any questions, please email me immediately.

We are doing the same topic for a variety of reasons, the first being, I do not want something purchased from a cheating site like Course Hero. When our software reveals that you have done that, you are no longer a member of this class. You will receive an unconditional and final F in the class, no discussion, no appeal.

I made the topic very simple, so if you have never written a documented essay, you will still have no trouble. You can use as few as three sources, as I say above, and we have been working the whole term on the format, except we now will deploy several quotations and certainly a works cited page.

We are starting in Module 6 so that you may begin to gather some sources to quote, begin an Annotated Bibliography, and get started–with plenty of time to ask all the questions you want to ask.

Why don’t you start with a search of Juan Rulfo and the title of his famous short novel, Pedro Paramo.

I will give you an alternative topic, directly related to the paper we did for characterization, but this one requiring three to five sources and a works cited. Please read about that option below if you are interested. I will warn you in advance that the paper will be somewhat more challenging in that your research will be a great deal more focused. You make your own choice.

Second Possible Topic for the Documented Research Essay

If you do not like the first topic, you can do this one:

(this is the title you must use and support):

The Characterization of the Grandmother in Flannery O’Connor’s “A Good Man Is Hard to Find”

In this essay, do what you did with the Dee essay: tell how, in this case the Grandmother, is characterized by WHAT SHE SAYS (and you must include an analysis of a variety of the very revealing things she says, using direct quotations of course.

WHAT SHE DOES, and of course there is plenty here from her attempts to have the family vacation to where she wants, to her actions with the children, to her interactions with Red Sammy and, finally, the Misfit.

and WHAT OTHERS SAY ABOUT HER–this would include the children, perhaps her son, and certainly the Misfit.

Now you do this very carefully and thoroughly but you MUST ADD a minimum of three OUTSIDE SOURCES that you quote at least once each in your essay. These would be articles on the Grandmother, the story, or something to do with what you are doing in the essay. Quote each one a minimum one time each and include a Works Cited page with the sources you use, in alphabetical order and MLA format.

Any questions about this optional topic email me.

The most important part of the paper will be the Conclusion–where you give a summary of what the different aspects of the Grandmother’s characterization shows the reader and then how we should finally take the Grandmother based on O’Connor’s careful and subtle characterization–and certainly those final words spoken about her by the Misfit.

First, explain in simple contemporary language what is going on in each set of lines (or stanza)—write as if this were being said today in a local club or bar. In other words, change the language here from that of late 19th century England to that of a club in your city or region today.

Then explain about the narrator’s (the speaker’s in the poem–not Thomas Hardy’s) argument about why he killed the man. Then, based on his language and delivery, explain his argument–whether or not he feels he did the right thing when he killed the man. Finally, explain the narrator’s attitude (or feelings) toward war itself.

In your essay be specific. Use “proof” from the poem to show your argument or points. This proof will be specific statements the narrator makes.

“The Man He Killed” by Thomas Hardy

“Had he and I but met

By some old ancient inn,

We should have sat us down to wet

Right many a nipperkin! [a half pint of beer]

“But ranged as infantry,

And staring face to face,

I shot at him as he at me,

And killed him in his place.

“I shot him dead because —

Because he was my foe,

Just so: my foe of course he was;

That’s clear enough; although

“He thought he’d ‘list, perhaps, [list is slang for enlist]

Off-hand like — just as I —

Was out of work — had sold his traps — [trappings—his clothes, tools, belongings]

No other reason why.

“Yes; quaint and curious war is!

You shoot a fellow down

You’d treat if met where any bar is,

Or help to half-a-crown.” [English coin, like saying a few bucks]

The Documented Essay is the last Essay assignment and of course the largest. This one should be multiple paragraphs, perhaps some 1,000 words or at least close to that number. You must have three to five sources, all of which are quoted in the body of the paper at least once consistent with the MLA style. The paper uses parenthetical references and must have a Works Cited, which, unlike the annotated bibliography, contains the reference but not the annotations. The Documented essay first draft may be posted this week in Module 7, particularly if you want plenty of time to revise the essay for that second grade. Should you submit the essay this week, you will receive preferential treatment, have your final draft graded early, and could be free the final week of any writing. However, most students will submit this first draft in the week of Module 8. There will still be time to get that second draft turned in, but do your best to submit your draft as early as possible in order to be certain you have plenty of time. If you have any questions, please email your instructor.

I hope you can choose the topic”Pedro Paramo(A novel by Juan Rulfo)” you should have minimum three sources, and you should quote from each one a minimum of one time each