how these functions apply in aviation how a talent management cycle allows managers to recruit select train and manage performance of employees

  • typical approaches to recruiting applicants for common jobs in your industry or career path
  • common selection processes in your industry or career path, including interview methods, selection tests, etc.
  • descriptions of new-hire training, onboarding, and ongoing development processes in your industry or career path
  • effective methods for performance appraisal, coaching, and feedback to employees for jobs in your industry or career path
  • You must use APA-formatted in-text citations and References to indicate the source of any ideas you apply from other authors. You are encouraged to summarize and paraphrase whenever possible rather than directly quoting, as your instructor is much more interested in what you now know and understand than in what you can quote from your research. (However, citations and References are still required, even if you’re not directly quoting.)