need help with short discussion questions for my relational database systems class
Discussion 1:
1. A university recruits both full time and part-time staff. How will you illustrate this scenario using a specialization hierarchy (include some sample attributes)?
2. From your understanding what is the difference between partial and total completeness. Illustrate with examples.
Discussion 2: Normalization.
1. Data Anomalies – Explain in your own words using tables from an ERD or Viso or something similar. Also describe how such anomalies could be prevented.
2. Normalization – Assume that you have not read this lecture and you have created your lab project (tables). Do you think your tables in your project are normalized? Explain how this session helped your project? What are your thoughts on normalization?
Discussion 3:
1.Explain different types of SQL (DDL, DML & DCL) with suitable examples. Post your ERD for ease of understanding by fellow class-members.
2. What is a view? What is it used for? Give examples when a view can be used for your project.
Discussion 4:
Using Library Resources, locate a good reference about SDLC methodologies and discuss briefly how it can help database development.
Discussion 5:
Briefly explain the meaning of the ACID properties and some concurrency issues with respect to your project.
***Each discussion must be 250 words min and have 2 references no more than 7 years old with in-text citations.