total quality mgmt final paper report
I have upload file. One is my paper topic Tesla Project Proposal, two are examples of final paper. Plz read 3 files and use Tesla Project Proposal as basic information to write this final paper. The request is below
The report should be no more than 5 pages (exclude appendices) and should reflect material learned in lectures, readings or seminars. In preparing the report, please adhere to the following guidelines:
- Be concise: The report should not exceed 5 pages of text (11pt, 1.5 lines spaced, Times New Roman), not including exhibits. (Remember: 5-page is a limit, not a quota.)
- Be well-structured: The report should include a descriptive statement, proof of need, data description, data analysis, an assessment of the feasibility of recommendations and implementation of improvement process plans, alternatives for addressing the project (optional), and conclusion.
- Quantify your argument: The improvement action plan should be based on the real data. You should attach any supporting exhibits at the end of your report as references (no more than 5 pages).