women s history 6

APA Style 6-7 page paper, needs references cited. I will provide the links for what is needed for the essay. No outside sources.

It should also be written as though you have a particular audience in mind: (As you see, I shall find it a bit complex to specify, given the emphasis today on “identity” as a category of analysis. But I do mean you might write about women from any particular perspective, so long as you make your focus and definition clear.) Examples of audience follow—you may think of another one for your work.

a) If, as an example, you are thinking about telling a high school class of girls and boys about “what the women were doing” or “what is women’s history” from 1870-2000, what would you write?

b) If, as another example, your audience is a specific ethnic, race, class, or other group of women: what “integrated historical perspective” would you write to add to their understanding of their fore mothers?

You might wish to write about educated, professional women; you might wish to write about working class women; you might wish to focus on a specific ethnic or racial group in either of these. You might wish to discuss the interactions among ethnic/racial groups and white women (seen as the “privileged” majority).

c) If, as another example, you wish to write to men who have not thought about the experience of women historically apart from the normative, universal male point of view, how would you present women’s perspective and its distinction from the usual historical narrative?