
One combined Lab Report . Given the two reports combined into one, you need a FULL Introduction; full Materials & Methods; Results – please group into separate analyses for viscometry & hemorheology; Discussion – please write two distinct sections discussing your viscometry findings separately from your hemorheology findings; Conclusions – give two distinct paragraphs or more describing the overall findings in the two labs.

i will post the file need for each lab

for viscometry

PLEASE see the attached Excel data files that my Prof collected for water & two different concentrations of chocolate sauce. The # signs in the data lists mean that the viscometer could not calculate a shear stress measurement at that speed because the fluid was too viscous. If your data do not follow a noticeable trend, you can use prof data to comment on the differences with yours.

See attached files for descriptions on Viscometry & Viscosity.

Here is a description of a T-test & its p-value.


for Hemorhelogy

Please see prof attached data as a back-up for some decent data from the hemorheology measurements.

His files are named with a 0 to represent plasma. The .5 in the file name represents 0.5 x hematocrit data. The 1 in the file name means regular blood. And the 1.5 in the filename means 1.5 x hematocrit. His spindle speeds from these data go from 12 – 80 rpms.

i post envying thing u need let me know if u have any question