1 8 nacla report on the americas review 1 assignment 3
For this assignment, you are to read current news articles about Latin America from the website for the North American Congress of Latin America (NACLA) and submit 2 written reviews during the semester. Please submit one review per due date. Each review is to be at least 3-4 pages and each due date corresponds to a regional topic in Latin America. I’ll explain further later in these instructions. The due dates for these reports are March 6 and April 10. Here are the regional topics corresponding to each due date:
March 6: Mexico, Central America (Guatemala, Nicaragua, Honduras, El Salvador, Costa Rica, Belize, or Panama), or the Caribbean region (any of the island nations or territories, like Cuba, Puerto Rico, Dominican Republic, or Haiti)
April 10: South America (Colombia, Venezuela, Brazil, Argentina, Chile, Peru, Uruguay, Ecuador, Bolivia, or Paraguay)
To select the articles, click on any of the NACLA tags to see a page of various articles that you can access. For the first due date of March 6, select any one article from the following pages: Dominican Republic:
Post-Electoral Crisis in the Dominican Republic (Interview) (Links to an external site.)
The Right’s Continued Dominance in the Dominican Republic (Links to an external site.)
El Salvador:
100 Days of Nayib Bukele in El Salvador: Social Movement Perspectives (Interview) (Links to an external site.)
Confronting Internal Forced Displacement in El Salvador (Links to an external site.)
El Bukelazo: Shades of Dictatorship in El Salvador (Links to an external site.)
The Hollywood Kid: The Violent Life and Violent Death of an MS-13 Hitman (Book Review) (Links to an external site.)
A Dispatch From the Caravan (Links to an external site.)
Talking Like a Mining Company: The Escobal Mine in Guatemala (Links to an external site.)
Building Corruption in Haiti (Links to an external site.)
Shooting at Haitian Parliament Surprises Few as Anti-Government Protests Continue (Links to an external site.)
Political Prisoners Released as Government’s Legitimacy Crumbles in Honduras (Interview) (Links to an external site.)
The Flame of Opposition in Honduras (Links to an external site.)
The Stain that Mardi Gras Covers Up: Worker Vulnerability in New Orleans (Links to an external site.)
Mexico and the Border:
“A Project for Life†in Mexico City (Links to an external site.)
Blurring the Division Between Church and State in AMLO’s Mexico (Links to an external site.)
Clouds at the Border: Threatened by the Wall (Links to an external site.)
“Green Tide†Reaches Mexico as Oaxaca Decriminalizes Abortion (Links to an external site.)
In Mexico, the Threats and Failures of Pre-Trial Detention (Links to an external site.)
Machista Media Get it Wrong on Feminist Protests in Mexico (Interview) (Links to an external site.)
Maquiladoras and the Exploitation of Migrants on the Border (Links to an external site.)
Mexican Women Call on Government to End Violence (Links to an external site.)
Mining Culture Wars Escalate in Oaxaca (Links to an external site.)
Revisiting the Battle of Culiacán (Links to an external site.)
The Case for Nuance in Immigrant Stories (Book Review) (Links to an external site.)
The Deadly Reverberations of U.S. Border Policy (Book Review) (Links to an external site.)
The Legacy of Samir Flores, One Year Later (Links to an external site.)
The Anti-Sandinista Youth of Nicaragua (Links to an external site.)
The Sandinista Labor Paradox (Links to an external site.)
Puerto Rico:
Adjunct Faculty in an Adjunct Country (Links to an external site.)
Puerto Rico’s Seismic Shocks (Links to an external site.)
Step by Powerful Step, Citizens Lead Puerto Rico into Its Solar Future (Links to an external site.)
The Summer 2019 Uprising: Building a New Puerto Rico