3 occupational reports and one essay based off one of the occupational reports 1
essay: ~ 3-5 pages long double spaced times new roman 12 pt
~ 3 occupational reports with the files attached to just be filled out
What did you learn from this class?
- Career Packet of 3 completed Occupational Reports 100ptsOccupational Report.docxOccupational Report.docxOccupational Report.docx
- Career Essay 3-5 pages double spaced based on 1 of the Career Occupational Reports 100pts
To help you get started you will take a 60 question Holland Code Assessment called the O*NET Interest Profiler. (As a reminder this is how to use O*NET after you get your Holland Code) Feel free to peruse the site to help you write your essay and answer questions to your (3) Occupational Reports
This can be found at the following website:
https://www.mynextmove.org/explore/ip (Links to an external site.)
- You will have to click “Next†until you get to these questions.
After you complete the career Inventory your highest 3 or 4 letters will be in BOLD. These will be your Holland Code.
- Next you are going to go to the main O*NET site:
www.onetonline.org (Links to an external site.)
Step 1 Go to “Advanced Searchâ€
Step 2 On the upper left you will see “Browse by O*NET DATA†you will see the “drop down†displaying “Abilities.†Click on the drop down box/arrow and click/choose “Interestsâ€
Step 3 Click on Realistic
Step 4 You will see yellow boxes with 1st, 2nd, 3rd Put Your Holland Code (Interest Letters) in the boxes.
Step 5 Click Go.
***This is one way that you can look up careers***
Please feel free to use all the tools necessary to complete your assignment.