state of the media 2019
Write a 850 – 1,500 word response to the State of the Media 2019 > Digital News Fact Sheet and Public Broadcasting Fact Sheet. There are several questions below for you to answer after reading both the Digital News Fact Sheet and the Public Broadcasting Fact Sheet of the State of the Media 2019. Generate an accurate response to each question based on the reading; type your response in your own words, and do not copy and paste the information from the reading. Be sure to read the instructions for help in formatting your document and structure details.
Write in third-person only
Single-spaced, no more than four sentences per paragraph, 1 spacing line to separate paragraphs
Include an Introduction and Conclusion
Type using Microsoft Word and save document as a word.doc (save as initial of first name and lastname.doc) – Example: ATabb.doc
Font size: 11 pt. or 12 pt.
Font options: Times New Roman, Times, Arial, Helvetica or Georgia
See the attached (style/format) document example
Perform a grammar, spelling and punctuation check
The word count only includes the introduction, body, and conclusion
Digital News Fact Sheet – Questions to answer:
What is a digital-native news outlet?
Describe the climate for the highest traffic for mobile app availability for digital-native news outlets?
Compare and contrast the median annual wage for newsroom employees in the digital-native sector. Provide at least two examples (e.g., news analysts, editors, photographers).
Public Broadcasting Fact Sheet – Questions to answer:
In terms of television, how does NewsHour generate its revenue; what are nonpublic streams?
Based on the reading, how has U.S. public broadcasters been able to maintain relatively financial stability in the past year?
Would you consider independent giving and or underwriting revenue important for local public radio news stations? Why or why not?
How to submit this assignment?
Upload, as an attachment, your document for grading into this assignment submission in Canvas. You are not required to use AP style, but you must use proper grammar, spelling and punctuation.