pick a movie and awnser the question

It is time to apply the concepts you have learned. Choose a movie that you would like to study. Make sure it is a movie you can relate to this course. In addition, the movie should be one that you enjoy, because you may need to watch it numerous times. Movies that have worked well for this assignment are listed below. However, you are not restricted to this list. You may choose any movie you wish to analyze, but here are some ideas below:

8 second
Back to the Future I, II, III
The Big Chill
Born on the Fourth of July
Brian’s Song

Or any feature length movie you wish. No documentaries and NO THE BREAKFAST CLUB (this is the most plagiarized movie analysis out there).

Assignment Objective: The objective of the film analysis is to allow students a critical thinking opportunity through film analysis. The film analysis is a partial fulfillment of the writing requirement of Interpersonal Communication, a writing intensive course. The aim of this project is to cultivate students’ critical thinking ability as it relates to the integration of film analysis, culture, and interpersonal theory.

Directions: Students must write a typed analysis of a selected film.

The introduction must include an attention statement, brief preview, and thesis that frames the body of the analysis. The thesis statement should include at least three main themes that group the ten required key terms to be discussed in the body of the paper as the basis of analysis.

The body includes a discussion that will define the ten required key terms(these are vocabulary words, any ten that you have read about in your readings thus far) from the Inter-Act textbook. Define each term and bold face each term the first time discussed. Immediately after each definition give an illustrative film scene that applies to the term. Students will then provide an analysis of how relationships of character might be improved based on their understanding of the terms. Therefore, the paper will consist of ten terms, ten separate corresponding examples from the film, ten analysis and recommendations for improved interpersonal communication. Each term, corresponding scene, analysis, and recommendation warrant at least one paragraph. Be thorough.

The conclusion includes a brief summary, reiteration of thesis, and interesting conclusive remarks. Think in terms of the moral of the story or the major lesson gleaned from the film analysis.

Outside Research: The film analysis paper does not require research beyond Verderber et al. However, if references outside of the required class textbook is included use either MLA or APA referencing within the context of the analysis and on the last page entitled Works Cited or References. Works Cited is used in MLA citations and References is the title used for APA citations.

Length: Analysis will be 4-6 typed pages in length (double spaced – 12 font).

Grading Method: Your analysis will be graded on the following: (1) perceived understanding/development of terms and connection to film scenes, (2) format: page length, organization and structure, and (3) use of proper grammar and spelling. See attached grading rubric for details.

Consider the following prompts when writing your paper. You do not have to answer these questions. These are only prompts to help you understand and flesh out what you have observed in the film.

1. How might you characterize the meaningfulness of the film? Explain in detail using at least ten primary key terms from any chapter from the class textbook. Remember that you will make an analysis of each scene and provide a recommendation for improved communication. Therefore, you should select ten terms and corresponding scenes that will allow for recommendations for improved communication competency.

2. Many of the characters show intense resentment and/or bitterness toward each other. What creates these emotions? Conflicts easily and often result. What do you think might reduce the resentment and/or bitterness?

3. Consider discussing the relational dialectics present in the film.

4. Do you believe it is possible to replace intolerance, elitism, classism, or sexism with openness and acceptance? How would you begin this process?

5. How is the notion of self-esteem and relational satisfaction or relational dissatisfaction woven into the plot of the story?

6. How does the screenwriter subvert the traditional ideology of gender role differences? Use the feministic perspective.

This paper must be e-mailed to the instructor as an attachment. Be sure to proof-read and spell-check your document before sending it.