theatre intro to drama mask actor

magine that you are an actor in a play. You must analyze your character – how he/she looks, moves, speaks, thinks, what he/she wants, what his/her past was like, etc. As an actor, you must try to discover as much as possible about the character you’re playing. For our assignment, here’s what you’ll do:

Read Dramatic Interlude 6 “He and She ” (p.425 2nd ed) (p. 438 3rd ed.) in your book. Choose one character in the scene, and complete the Character Analysis Sheet for that character. Some of the answers are there in the script, but some of the questions will require you to use your imagination. Remember that you’re pretending to be that character, not yourself, as you fill out the sheet.

Fill out the entire sheet (don’t skip any questions) and then submit it. Questions BELOW If it is easier I have also added this sheet as a document below.