finding child care in asia 1

Personal Essay Revision

It takes practice to become an effective written communicator. In this course, you will practice writing effectively for different purposes.

Identify a topic from the list below. Each topic identifies an issue that you will investigate over the 11-week term. Throughout this course, you will discuss why you chose the topic research and then propose a way to address the issue. You will write a draft and revision for two types of essays.

Point of View: Use First Person POV, i.e. “I,” for the personal essay. Use Third Person POV, i.e. “he/she/they,” for the stance essay. Do not use the Second Person POV, “you.”

Topic list: Choose ONE topic to write about throughout the course.

  1. Treating Animals Humanely
  2. Finding Child Care in Asia
  3. Working Remotely
  4. Monitoring Toddlers and Technology
  5. Examining Reality TV