discussion response 200 words 200 words 1
Please check the attached Rubric my teacher very hard grading you must follow the direction 100% and you must use the book at least one-time either by quotation or by citing the information you bring from the book.
(1) (200 words)
As we have discovered in the readings for this Module (Categorical Logic), understanding the patterns of deductive reasoning lies at the very foundation of the ability to analyze arguments for strengths and weaknesses. In particular, using deductive reasoning can:
1) Illuminate and clarify our beliefs and help us consider whether those beliefs are rational.
2) Help us discover truth and make decisions.
3) Help us combat prejudice, stereotypes, and distortion of information.
In this part of our discussion, please choose one of the above mentioned uses and give an example from your own life where thinking deductively using categorical propositions can be a positive aid and help.
*See examples below for how to construct your response. Make sure you meet the requirements for this post as outlined in the grading rubric. Also make sure you have the two required headings: BACKGROUND and ANALYSIS. See below for examples. (I attached two examples)
(2) (200 words)
I attached one of my classmate post
You must then respond to one student post (You Must Use the attached book either quotation or information and cite the book). The goal of the response post to a fellow student is to discusses the student’s main points (first paragraph) and concentrates on the real-world example. Response post adds new information to the discussion by drawing inferences, raising questions, adding insights to the point made in the student’s essay. Citations (MLA – in-text and works cited) for references to the textbook and/or assigned Module readings are required. Your response to your fellow student must be at least 200 words. You must refer to the student by name and discuss the point being made as well as the real-world example given in the essay.
you must use information from the book and cite the book
this is the book
Julian Baggini and Peter S. Fosl, The Philosopher’s Toolkit: A Compendium of Philosophical Concepts and Methods (Wiley-Blackwell, 2010) ISBN 978-1-4051-9018-3