a media reflection on an article on police brutality
In your Media Reflection papers, you must find a news article (written, not a video. Although if a video accompanies a written article that is okay) that relates to one of the social problems we have discussed( Use police brutality please). You must use at least one scholarly source from the course in your media reflection paper. Your job in these papers is to:
- Identify the social problem the news article is about
- Identify how the news article is framing the social problem.
- Present an argument about whether you agree or disagree with this framing and why- based on the scholarly reading(s) of your choice from that week. The scholarly readings are pasted below for police brutality, you dont have to use all, just some
- https://plsonline.eku.edu/insidelook/brief-history-slavery-and-origins-american-policing
- https://www.theatlantic.com/national/archive/2014/12/chicago-police-torture-jon-burge/383839/
- https://www.chicagoreader.com/chicago/caps-cpd-community-policing-analysis/Content?oid=23635982
- https://mappingpoliceviolence.org/
- To be clear, your argument cannot simply involve you saying that you like or dislike what the article is saying. You need to provide support for your claims based on the scholarly research you are reading. ‘