biomedical instument quot create quot bioinstumentation
Activity Tracker for Stroke Rehabilitation Device Kaelin Martin, Rafeal Cases Jr., Dr.Peter Lum, Department of Biomedical Engineering
The scientific methods consist of six steps, ask questions, do background research, hypothesis, conclusion, and result. This help organize the research and make it more accurate.
The poster is about (Could Stroke activity be tracked?)
Background is to design a device to monitor the hand movement by determining the numbers of flexion and extension (xyz), also measuring the duration of the procedure. This will give the clinics a better idea of the patient process.
This the device is used to track movement using the magnetic tracker to measure the proportional representation of the reordered field. It measures the xyz-plane
The hypothesis, this device uses Arduino to record magnetometer reading on SD card by converting the rotation of the metacarpophalangeal Joints (MCP) and proximal interphalangeal Joints.
Testing and data analysis using two magnometer to dismiss the Earth’s magnet field also, the algorithm rejects the changes of the magnet field at the sensor.
MATLAB have been used to collect data of the different angle positions. However, the accuracy of the magnet and sensor was compared to the potentiometer values.
The novel algorithm analyzes a full flexion and extension of the hand and at what speed.
In conclusion, the device has been able to measure the movement of the patient hand in the motion of the flexion and extension. Also, by using algorithm have been able to convert the data to the angle rotation.
Result, Each patient has its customized algorithm by altering angle change, peak height and distance parameters to record the majority of the movement. also marking the slow, fast and partial movement.