- Select an ACO from the website ACOs in Your State in this week’s Learning Resources. Link below
- Identify evidence-based services/initiatives that the ACO is using.
- Consider the following:
- Is the ACO using services/initiatives that the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) recognize and for which they offer reimbursements?
- How does the ACO market these services/initiatives to increase health care consumerism?
- In a matrix, analyze evidence-based services/initiatives that the ACO you selected is using for each of the following:
- Quality of care
- IT
- Marketing
- Financial outcomes
- Population health programs
- Vertical versus horizontal integration
- Operational excellence
Include whether the ACO is using approaches that CMS recognizes for reimbursements and how these initiatives/services increase health care consumerism.Synthesize the information you have gathered from your analysis so that each bullet point clearly represents the most significant considerations within each category. While this is a 1-page document that might appear to be simple, each point must be the result of deep and critical thinking.