Format: â—¦ INCLUDE YOUR NAME AND ID NUMBER on page 1 of your essay. â—¦ Include page numbers and an essay title. â—¦ Your essay should be double-spaced, 12 point font.
Citations: â—¦ Citations are required. â—¦ Citation format: â–ª In-text parenthetical citation (Author year, page number) with a bibliography of works cited at the end of the document. â—¦ You may use the following example for lecture material: â–ª IN-TEXT: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet (Larson, 2019). â–ª BIBLIOGRAPHY: ï‚· Dunnavant, Justin (2019). “Historical Ecology of Slavery in the Danish West Indies.” International Studies Forum, April 25, 2019, University of California, Irvine. â—¦ See also this link for citation guidelines: . See also the bibliography of The Global Turn for additional examples.
Writing tips for short response papers: • 1) Start with a clear and clearly identifiable thesis statement â—¦ The thesis statement is a summary of your argument. â—¦ You should be able to circle it on the page. • 2) The thesis statement should fully and completely address the assignment prompt â—¦ Respond to all parts of the prompt as-written. â—¦ It’s okay to break your thesis statement into a couple of sentences. • 3) Support each component of the thesis statement with complete paragraphs â—¦ Each paragraph contains a single thought, and the paragraphs are arranged in a logical sequence. â—¦ Use class materials to build support for your argument. â–ª It should be obvious that you attended lecture.