development and analysis 1

Use your Course Project organization selected during Week 2(I chose Best Buy) for this assignment.


State the company name, website address, and industry.


Briefly describe the company in the case analysis (I chose Best Buy). What is their primary business, who were the officers or key players described in the case study? If the case study company is currently in business, list the company’s current CEO, total sales, and profit or loss for the last year where data is available. Identify key events or phases in the company’s history. Describe the performance of this company in the industry. Visit the company’s website and use and/or some other financial search engine to find this data. (15 points)

NOTE: Make sure to use APA citations throughout the paper. The textbook should be cited if it is the source of information. If you are not familiar with APA citation.

Please check out the attached file and you will find more details


  • Use a title page.
  • Font: Use Times New Roman, 12 point.
  • Each section of your paper should be headed by the bold and capitalized item described above.
  • Indent paragraphs.
  • Insert page numbers at the bottom right.
  • Paper length should be 6- to 7-pages, double-spaced not including title page, references, and illustrations and tables.
  • Use APA citations throughout the paper.
  • Include a separate reference page at the end of the paper.