cyber security and the internet of things vulnerabilities threats intruders and attacks 1
review the attached research article “Cyber Security and the Internet of Things: Vulnerabilities, Threats, Intruders and Attacks”
- What did the authors investigate, and in general how did they do so?
- Identify the hypothesis or question being tested
- Summarize the overall article.
- Identify the conclusions of the authors
- indicate whether or not you think the data support their conclusions/hypothesis
- consider alternative explanations for the results
- Provide any additional comments pertaining to other approaches to testing their hypothesis -logical follow-up studies to build on, confirm or refute the conclusions The article you use must be at least 3 pages long and be a primary or original research article.
- The relevance or importance of the study
- The appropriateness of the experimental design
include a complete reference (title, authors, journal, issue, pages) and a photocopy of the article when you turn in your evaluation.