continue to capstone
ELEMENTS OF THE FINAL PROJECT DOCUMENT (This is the written document that will comprise the substance of the Capstone experience; it will be detailed, carefully documented and will clearly define the purpose of the project, its potential use in the practice and/or the literature of the field of disaster medicine or management.)
- Title Page
- Signature page (see COURSE DOCUMENTS)
- Abstract
- Introduction of the topic and
for the project; statement of delimitations if any – remember APA does not title a section as
- Academic Foundation – literature review
- Methods – detailed
- Discussion, Conclusions, recommendations, implications for further study or similar projects
- References
- Appendices as needed – this is where your actual deliverable will be located with all supporting materials.
VIII. Separate – Suggested publication page (not numbered or part of the project document)
Language changes to do NOW – if you have written in future tense it must change to present tense
We will continue with this until we finish, then we will have a PowerPoint presentation