annotated bibliography for oliver twist
According to The Topic Proposal for Oliver Twist (attached), write Annotated Bibliography.
For your research paper, you will learn to choose quality resources from the library and other academic sources, analyze those sources, and incorporate them seamlessly into your paper in a way that offers value, interest, and support for your argument and analysis. Your Annotated Bibliography is not a true essay; rather, it is a working Works Cited page with annotations that include a summary of the source, an analysis of the quality of the source (including the author, publication, and textual information), and finally, what and how you plan to incorporate what you learned from the source into your paper. You will consider the elements we have discussed in class: Writer, Audience, Text, Reality, Critic, and Influence, research them, and offer a thorough explanation in your research paper. Your research should include at a minimum: (1) information on the author, (2) the social norms and historical events of the time, (3) literary criticism, (4) genre, and (5) influence. You need at least 6 sources for the annotated bibliography. Sometimes, the preliminary research we do is not as fruitful as we would like, so you will be allowed to take out 2 of these sources for your final paper.
Remember: for your research paper, you should explain in detail the influence the text has had on its intended audience and why it is an important piece of literature. Focus your research with this in mind.
Annotated Bibliography Example is attached.