Entries by admin


Understanding the various diverse populations is important in the healthcare industry. Diversity may include age, gender, race, ethnicity, religion, and cultural values. This project will enhance your knowledge and understanding of a specific diverse population. You will need to select a diverse population and write a 3-4 page paper (title page and reference page not […]


Discussion 3 1. Mission, Vision, Values. There is often confusion as to what information is provided in an organization’s vision, mission, and values statements. You may or may not be aware, but the airline industry is often compared to health care. The reason is that they demand such high quality to ensure the safe flight […]


I need a letter to help me get into the MSW program at Walden University Info about me: I’m African American woman who lives in the South I love helping other and it has always been a passion of mine I want to be an advocate for others And you can fill in the rest […]


Compose a 5 paragraph essay based on the information you have learned in Blink, the chapter on your person in Forbes Greatest Business Stories ( my person was Bill Gates), plus at least 3 additional outside sources. Your essay should include an Introduction paragraph, 3 Body paragraphs, and a Conclusion. You will need to incorporate […]

position paper one media and society 3

Assignment 1: Position Paper One – Media and Society Imagine that you are running for a state office (e.g., governor, senator, or Congressional representative) and you have to prepare a position paper for a debate on controversial issues in the news. (Select one (1) of the topics addressed in the first four weeks of this […]


For this task, imagine you were recently hired as the principal of Charger Middle School, a public institution receiving federal assistance. Over the summer, a group of parents requested a meeting with you to discuss the Charger’s compliance with Title IX regarding the physical education curriculum. During the meeting, the parents asked the following questions: […]

leadership challenges

Select one particular area in an academic environment in higher education where a leader might be called upon to redirect the university (for example, accreditation, fundraising, or expansion). Then, research the changes in this particular area in the past five years using peer-reviewed journals, web sources, and other scholarly readings as sources. Prepare a paper […]


Reading requirement: Quality Management by Summers e-Book – BvD Pearson Vol 2 ISBN 9781323611395 You must cite from this book Please read chapters 1-2 from the Summers textbook. Your company has discovered that it must confront its chronic project cost problems head-on in order to operate profitably. As part of cost control measure, you will […]


This week we talked about Social Class in America. This is a touchy subject. The very mention of social class can provoke people. Some people might feel anxious when forced to think or talk about social class. Other people might be fairly un-bothered by the subject. Please watch the video “Tammy’s Story” first and answer […]