Entries by admin

history final 6

Final Exam Use all of the social science skills you have learned in this course for both completing the final exam and in your future. Follow the directions for writing a Social Science essay. Incorporate Taking Sides, lecture, text and documentaries into your response to support your thesis. Be creative when taking a position and […]

actively managing conflict

Read the article below and complete a 1-2 page article review. The article review should include the following: Summary of the article. What are the key points of the article? How does managing conflict help with collaboration? Do you agree with the techniques presented in the article? Why or Why not? THE ARTICLE IS SPLIT […]

discussion question post for operations management

Operations Management and Competitive Strategy In this week’s readings, you explored articles on how the competitive landscape has changed due to advances in technology and operations management practices. Describe your key takeaways from two of this week’s articles. Summarize how these takeaways can benefit your company or organization. ***Company is a restaurant ***Please be sure […]

benchmark 5 amy s donuts s vs tim hortons

Sustainability must be 2 pages, must have correct grammar and punctuation. All questions needs to be answered to the fullest. Very similar to the marketing discussion, sustainability can be more of an issue in some industries versus other. Given your selection of companies, choose one area of ethical dilemmas that relates to environmental sustainability to: […]

hls strategic context amp amp nature of the threat

400- 600 words Primary and secondary threats exist across the global and domestic landscapes. They are addressed in local, state, regional, and federal policies that are developed and codified with a comprehensive, fully-coordinated, all-hazards approach. Threat assessments have been conducted to identify and validate prevailing threats. For this assignment, complete the following: What are the […]


Describe the different ways in which policy models are used. What are the key lessons for policy modeling, according to this paper? Based on the examples that are provided, do you agree that these models would be useful? Please explain why or why not. Please make sure that you make at least a 500 hundred […]

word discussion

While working on the Microsoft Word assignments did your ever think to yourself “Why do I need to know this stuff?” Review “Keys to the Future: Align Workforce Readiness Skills to Ensure Student Success.” After reading the linked white paper, discuss three reasons it is essential for you to attain and enhance your Microsoft Office […]

asian history about chinese revolution 1

Research paper follow the rules and my Proposal Find one more source to support the agreement, you can use the film The Last Emperor also the culture revolution can be use. The PPT I make is not that will, just check.