Chapter 17 of the textbook discussed several macroeconomic policy debates.
Select one of the following sections:
17.1 Should We Balance the Federal Budget?
17.2 Should the Fed Target Both Inflation and Employment?
17.3 Should We Tax Consumption Rather than Income?
Discuss issues surrounding the debates and express your position.
Be sure to provide support for your position, including acknowledgement of any weaknesses in your position.
You should exceed 500 words but should not need to exceed 1000 words for any given question.
I recommend that, in order to avoid potential technical difficulties, you draft your response in Word, then upload it into Canvas, being careful to not submit the Quiz until you have uploaded all of your responses.
You may be asked to describe both (or more) sides of an issue, to take a position as to which is more compelling to you, and describe how you arrived at such a conclusion.
Where your opinion is requested, there may be no right or wrong answer, but a thoughtful and well- reasoned response is preferable to one lacking these characteristics.
Your score for this question will depend on the quantity and quality of your responses, including your correct application of economic theory and the support you offer for your positions.
You should not need to use additional references, but if you do, please be sure to cite them.
As I express frequently in class, part of my objective in this course is to provide you with the tools to form your own positions on economic issues. Although my positions may frequently be apparent, it is not my intention to impose a position on the class, only to agitate the class to intelligently develop their own.
Although some of these narratives are political in nature, it is simply a result of the reality that economics and policy are inherently intertwined. You are encouraged to express political and policy positions as they relate to economics and are assured that while your expression of the positions themselves will not impact your grade favorably or unfavorably, your ability to support those positions will be considered.