comparing amp evaluating the arguments l

Due Date: Friday by 11:59pm


To complicate our thinking just a little further, I want us to think not just about how the two arguments compare side by side but also about which argument is better? Which one use rhetoric in a more effective way? Which one commits fewer logical fallacies.

To help us with that, please answer each of the questions below in at least a few sentences. Doing this well should make writing your draft of Essay 2 next week easier 🙂

  1. If you were to rate Wallace’s organization on a scale from 1-10 (1 being not so good, and 10 being amazing), what rating would you give it? Please explain why?
  2. If you were to rate Wallace’s use of ethos on a scale from 1-10 (1 being not so good, and 10 being amazing), what rating would you give it? Please explain why?
  3. If you were to rate Wallace’s use of pathos on a scale from 1-10 (1 being not so good, and 10 being amazing), what rating would you give it? Please explain why?
  4. If you were to rate Wallace’s use of logos on a scale from 1-10 (1 being not so good, and 10 being amazing), what rating would you give it? Please explain why?
  5. If you were to rate Horgan’s organization on a scale from 1-10 (1 being not so good, and 10 being amazing), what rating would you give it? Please explain why?
  6. If you were to rate Horgan’s use of ethos on a scale from 1-10 (1 being not so good, and 10 being amazing), what rating would you give it? Please explain why?
  7. If you were to rate Horgan’s use of pathos on a scale from 1-10 (1 being not so good, and 10 being amazing), what rating would you give it? Please explain why?
  8. If you were to rate Horgan’s use of logos on a scale from 1-10 (1 being not so good, and 10 being amazing), what rating would you give it? Please explain why?
  9. Considering the comparisons and rating about the two arguments you have done this week, which author do you think has developed the best overall argument? Who’s argument is more convincing/effective? Why?