Residential House Lease
The following questions are based on the Residential House Lease found in the Contracts Module. Please reference the Lease by clause number as you answer the question
- Essays (1-2 complete paragraphs per question with text references to support your answers)1. Maria, the landlord, refuses to fix a small leak in the roof that results in mold forming in the premises. Juan, the tenant, still has significant time remaining on his lease. Juan has notified Maria in writing of the mold and leak issue. What are Juan’s options if Maria declines to do the repairs?
2. Shortly after moving in but with significant time remaining on the lease, Bill, the tenant, finds a much better apartment for the same price. Bill notifies Zuzanne, the Landlord, that he is moving out immediately and signs a new lease for the new apartment. What recourse does Zuzanne have against Bill?
UCC Sales Contract
The following questions are based on the Sales Contract found in the Contracts Module. Please reference the Sales Contract by clause number as you answer the questions.
- Essays (1-2 complete paragraphs per question with text references to support your answers)
- You received non-conforming goods pursuant to this contract in that the goods received did not match the size ordered. However, an employee signed for the receipt of the goods over (90) days ago and the order of goods have just been sitting in a warehouse. What are your options as the Buyer pursuant to the contract?
- You received non-conforming goods as a result of an ambiguity in the contract. You ordered goods thinking it was a particular product and the selling merchant shipped goods by that name thinking it was an entirely different product. Upon receipt of the goods, what are your merchant options under the contract?
rubric – Scoring is 5 points for spelling/grammar; 4 for the class textbook references; 6 points for the content of each essay