create 5 6 slides powerpoint about lyft business model


You’ll analyze the value of the company going public and what their valuation could be. You’re not going to be given the background or a summary prepared for you, but you will go through some of the same analysis.

Here’s what I want you to do:.

  • You may pick a recent IPO that’s already public, but I have to approve that choice. You can’t go back and do Snapchat or Spotify J.
  • Prepare and present a shortened presentation about the company, its business and its financials.
  • Submit your financial model for the company. Use tools available to you (the author of the text has a whole website with these type of models—you don’t have to recreate the wheel.
  • One place to look is on slideshare—IPO road show presentations are a good outline—that’s the company “selling” itself to potential investors.

The pictures show the already created power point to give you reference.