discuss how the jafari school of islamic jurisprudence influences iran s foreign policy
Based on the readings and video for this week, discuss how the Jafari school of Islamic Jurisprudence influences Iran’s foreign policy.
Instructions: Your initial post should be at least 750 words
Mandaville, Peter. Global Political Islam.London, U.S.: Routledge, 2007. Chapter 5 page 179 to end of the chapter, page 198.
Blanchard, Christopher M. Islam: Sunni and Shiites. Foreign Affairs, Defense, and Trade Division, Congressional Research Service Report, 10 February 2005. http://www.dtic.mil/cgi-bin/GetTRDoc?AD=ADA476265
Katzman, Kenneth. “Iran’s Foreign Policy.” Foreign Affairs, Defense, and Trade Division, Congressional Research Service Report, 29 January 2016. https://www.fas.org/sgp/crs/mideast/R44017.pdf
Khalaji, Mehdi. “Iran’s Regime of Religion.” Journal of International Affairs 65, no 1. (Fall 2011): 131-144. http://www.washingtoninstitute.org/policy-analysis…
Council on Middle East Studies. The MacMillan Center. Yale University. http://cmes.macmillan.yale.edu/. (accessed 31 March 2016).
Council on Foreign Relations. http://www.cfr.org/. (accessed 31 March 2016).