energy conversion 2
select a topic from the first 4 Chapter coverage of Weston’s text and to write a report with the content per the attached grading sheet.
- Fundamentals of Energy Conversion
- Fundamentals of Steam Power
- Fuels and Combustion
- Aspects of Steam Power Plant Design
this is the guide line of the paper:
1. ____________ (20%) Abstract (What was done, methods, what was found – 1 or 2 paragraphs)
2. ____________ (10%) Objective stated (what is project about, from proposal – maximum ½ page)
3. ____________ (10%) Review of literature (what has been done before – 3 minimum sources of materials used)
4. ____________ (30%) Details of current work (what person or group accomplished – heart of report – should support results/conclusions – 2 pages max)
5. ____________ (20%) Results/Conclusions & References – 1 page max
6. ____________ (10%) Thoroughness and quality of work (judgement on my part)
7. ____________ (breakdown) Appendix (one of two sentences each telling who did what for multi-person projects)
I expect this to be professional quality. You may use ASME conference papers concepts within my grade outline above … see…