snhu phy101 final milestone two

Need to get my PHY101 Final Milestone Two done. I will attach the rubric with all the instruction on everything I will need done. I will include a copy of the Milestone One paper so that you have an idea of what Rube Goldberg device I wrote about. I will also copy and paste a segment here:

This assignment needs to be 2-3 pages long.

I. Step Selection: Select a step or stage in the Rube Goldberg device. Provide a concise description of the step.

II. Previous Step A. Description: Analyze the behavior of the object in the interaction between the previous step and the selected step, qualitatively describing the transfer of energy that occurs. Which principles of conservation of energy and momentum can you apply to this behavior? B. Equations: Provide the equations that can be used to describe the transfer of energy and the momentum of the object from the previous step to the selected step. What is the connection between the basic physics concepts in the equations and the interaction of the object and force(s) from step to step? C. Calculations: Using the applicable equations you identified, calculate the transfer of energy and the momentum from the previous step to the selected step. How do these calculations help you predict the object’s location and velocity from the previous step to the step you selected?

III. Selected Step B. Equations: If applicable, provide the equations that can be used to describe the change in type and amount of energy across the selected step. C. Energy Calculation: Calculate the amount of energy that is converted from one form to another form using the changes in mass and height. For example, if appropriate for your selected step, you could calculate the transformation of potential energy to kinetic energy.

IV. Subsequent Step A. Description: Analyze the behavior of the object in the interaction between the selected step and the subsequent step, qualitatively describing the transfer of energy that occurs. Which principles of conservation of energy and momentum can you apply to this behavior? B. Equations: Provide the equations that can be used to describe the transfer of energy and the momentum of the object. What is the connection between the basic physics concepts in the equations and the interaction of the object and force(s) from step to step? C. Calculations: Using the applicable equations you identified, calculate the transfer of energy and the momentum from your selected step to the subsequent step. How do these calculations help you predict the object’s location and velocity from the step you selected to the subsequent step?