what is the main point of what you have read list 3 or more sub points that you think back up the main point
- What is the main point of what you have read? List 3 or more sub-points that you think back up the main point.
- List interesting, new or confusing vocabulary that stood out to you, look the words up, write down the definitions, and try to use them in a sentence..
- Do you agree with the author? Why or why not?
- What surprised, excited, or confused you.
- Can you connect ideas from the reading to your own experience? Why or why not?
- What themes, ideas, concepts, suggestions, questions from this reading intrigue you to do more research or thinking?
- 5 points: at east 5 sentences for each prompt, full sentences, personal reflection, critical analysis, turned in on time
- 4 points: 4 sentences for each prompt, some substantial reflection and critical analysis, more in depth thought needed, turned in on time
- 3 points: 3 sentences for each prompt, substandard sentence structure, incomplete ideas, late
- 2 points: 2 sentences for each prompt, late
- 1 point: completed bare minimum, late