written summary 10

Make sure your art choice is something YOU saw IN PERSON, and that YOU took the photo.

For this Summary topic, we’re going to approach art interpretation by way of FORMAL ANALYSIS.


Within this week’s module, I’ve made of document of some free art viewing in SD county. You don’t have to go to one of the locations from my list, those are just meant to help you out. If you know of a public art that you would like to discuss, feel free to choose your option. The most important aspect of the art selection, is that the art must be right in front of you.

We’re going to borrow from the textbook and use this set of questions to guide your analysis. You must cut and paste this bullet-ed and numbered format and use it in your summary.

  • Choose one art work from an in person experience, and NOT from seeing the art in a book, or Internet.
  • Provide an image of the artwork- it can be a selfie or just the art, but it MUST be taken by you and not from the Internet.
  • Be considerate of the arts location….If it’s in a public space, it’s site specific. Relate this back to your selected artwork and how the artwork appears to be related to the location.
  1. Artist
  2. Title of work, date, size, medium, and subject matter
  3. Location of the art (city, neighborhood)
  4. First glance (What caught your eye?)
  5. How are the elements applied in the work? (chapter 2 terms)
  6. What is around the work (next to, behind, above, nearby, etc.)?
  7. What is your personal interpretation? How do you feel about it?

In addition to the list of places to view art (within the document in this week’s module), you can also go to ANY museum, or just even the grounds of Balboa Park!


  1. Provide the information in the numbered format above.
  2. CITE sources, if you use them (it is not necessary to use another source other than your text book). Your submission will be scanned through for originality. I will use this data to inform your grade. If you do not cite, it will “appear” that plagiarism is taking place.
  3. Limit your Summary to one page. Exceeding WILL result in a grade drop.
  4. Must be submitted as a pdf file.


Written Work Rubric_60pt

Written Work Rubric_60pt

Criteria Ratings Pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeWritten Communication

17.0 to >15.0 pts

Above Average

Well organized. Creative and very clear use of language and no grammatical or technical errors. Citations provided if applicable.

15.0 to >8.0 pts


Written work had organizational issues, grammatical, or technical errors. Less attention to clarity of language.

8.0 to >0 pts

Below Average

Highly unorganized written work with many grammatical and technical errors. Confusing or erroneous language.

17.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeCritical Analysis

22.0 to >20.0 pts

Above Average

Written work shows a high level of contemplation and insight. Attention to key concepts associated with the related material and use of associated vocabulary and terminology. Vocabulary and terminology are used correctly as dictated in the assignment details. Citations provided if applicable.

20.0 to >8.0 pts


Written work contains less than the required amount of insight and few references to related material with some use of related vocabulary or reference to reading materials. Misuse of some of the terminology and vocabulary associated with the assignment.

8.0 to >0 pts

Below Average

Shows little to no signs of insight or understanding. Lacks attention to key concepts and no applied use of related terminology or vocabulary.

22.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeFulfills RequirementsAll requirements are outlined under the specific assignment in Canvas.

21.0 to >19.0 pts

Above Average

_Completed assignment with the required format (numbered), length, file type, and image selections from required sites or chapters. Followed all directions completely. Citations provided, if applicable.

19.0 to >8.0 pts


Followed some of the directions, but did not complete the full amount of written content, and/or visual source images, including source requirements.

8.0 to >0 pts

Below Average

Did not follow the directions at all, and did not complete the full amount of written content, and/or visual source images, including source requirements.

21.0 pts

Total Points: 60.0
