
250 words each with 2 references under each discussion. They are all separate discussions.


1) Charles Roberts

Topic 7 DQ 1 (Obj. 7.1)

Child abuse assessment importance in counseling is not only the risk involved in compromising the safety of the victim, but the chronic effect of lifelong chronic symptoms associated with child abuse such as substance abuse, PTSD, depression, anxiety, self-harm, and aggressive behaviors (Jackson-Cherry & Erford, 2018). A standard assessment tool for determining child abuse as a factor for ongoing mental health treatment is the ACE test or Adverse Childhood Experiences. ACE testing factors in aspects of abuse, neglect, substance abuse, and sexual abuse into ongoing behaviors in adolescence and adulthood (Sonu, Post & Feinglass, 2019). When assessing a victim from childhood age as a form of intervention and safety or as an ongoing form of treatment in adulthood mental health care, it is vital to include instances of child abuse to begin trauma-informed care and implement an approach that keeps the victim’s safety and wellbeing a priority.


Jackson-Cherry, L. R., & Erford, B. T. (2018). Crisis assessment, intervention, and prevention (3rded.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education.

Sonu, S., Post, S., & Feinglass, J. (2019). Adverse childhood experiences and the onset of chronic disease in young adulthood. Preventive Medicine, 123, 163-170. doi:10.1016/j.ypmed.2019.03.032

2) Christian Mutters

Topic 7 DQ 1 (Obj. 7.1)

Firstly, an important reason to assess for abuse is because it is a part of therapist’s job. There is a good reason for it, though. Especially for children, there is always a reason why they start going to therapy. Abuse might be one of those reasons. Therefore, an assessment for abuse is needed right away to determine whether that is the reason for them coming to therapy. Even if there is no immediate notice of abuse, the therapist still needs to assess throughout the time the child is there. The child is learning and growing and changing. Their environment is too. So, there is a possibility new abuse started after the initial session. Another possibility is that the abuse was always there, but it caused subtle enough differences in the child that the first assessment did not catch the abuse. Then, further assessments may catch some things that the initial assessment missed. In reality, the therapist should be constantly evaluating the client and adjusting their treatment accordingly and assessing for abuse is no different (Jackson-Cherry & Erford, 2018).

Jackson-Cherry, L. R., & Erford, B. T. (2018). Crisis assessment, intervention, and prevention (3rd ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education. ISBN-13: 9780134522715

3) Kelley Stebbins

Topic 7 DQ 2 (Obj. 7.3)

Hello Class,

overt is direct touching and covert is more subtle so it is my opinion that covert is harder to recognize due to the fact that it is more a psychological mind game that an adult tends to play on a child. There is no hands on contact so this one would be harder to counsel for because of the fact that the client probably would not even be aware of the fact that this is considered a form of sexual abuse. In this way the child is used more for emotional fulfillment and sexual things may be implied or suggested but never acted upon. The child is forced to support the abusive adult by serving as a trusted confidante or an emotional spouse (www.mindbodygreen.com, 2019). For this reason it would be more difficult to address because typically clients do not understand that they are victims of abuse. This is because society tends to define and relate all sexual abuse to direct touching but this is an incorrect assumption that most people are uneducated on and even the abuser may not understand this is a form of sexual abuse which makes it confusing to idenify or address in most cases. The best thing a counselor can do in my opinion is to explain to a child the different forms of abuse there are. Just as you would do when assessing for IPV. I believe that knowledge is always the best weapon a client can have and by educating them and establishing a proper rapport in which they feel comfortable, all abuse can be assessed for and given a proper treatment plan so that moving forward the client is cared for and has a clear understanding of things they did not know before entering therapy.



4) Omni Rose Ramos

Topic 7 DQ 1 (Obj. 7.1)

I decided to try the ACE Study test and scored a 4. After reading about my evaluation, I must agree and consider this test to be valid (based on life experiences). It’s interesting to learn about yourself and grasp an understanding of why you may think the way that you do or feel the way you feel, as well as, experience certain things you experience. The CDC’s Adverse Childhood Experiences Study (ACE STUDY) uncovered a stunning link between childhood trauma and the chronic diseases people develop as adults, as well as social and emotional problems. This includes heart disease, lung cancer, diabetes and many autoimmune diseases, as well as depression, violence, being a victim of violence, and suicide. (ACE is Too High) Along with the ACE study test, there was a Resilience test also that is meant to prompt reflection and conversation on experiences that may help protect most people (about three out of four) with four or more ACEs from developing negative outcomes. (ACE is Too High)

Throughout the class I have learned that tests and assessments that are valid and reliable are best for counseling. Self-administered tests are available, just as I explained. The self-administered test provides scoring guidelines, which allows a person to evaluate themselves. In the future, I would like to utilize tests and assessments, however, I would prefer tests/assessments that are NOT self-administered because of any questions or concerns one may have regarding their score. I would like to be available to explain a question that may not be understood.


Got Your ACE Score? (2019, February 27). Retrieved from https://acestoohigh.com/got-your-ace-score/

5) L. P. Cat 7

CATs Week 7

Since we are entering into our final weeks together, please also feel free to share any final questions about the course material in general. Also, please respond to this thread with what your “muddiest point” has been in the class. This would be what you find least clear or the most confusing concept throughout the class. I want to be sure that everyone is able to take away the important course concepts from the class.

As usual, you will earn participation points for this thread.

MINE has been from this “Go online and conduct a search for a free assessment test such as the ACE Study, Strong, the Beck Depression Inventory, or something similar. Take the test and evaluate the assessments in which you have participated. What are some insights you gained by using various instruments and strategies throughout this class? How might you apply this knowledge in the future when using assessments in counseling clients?” I have trouble knowing when and how to apply this knowledge in the future when using assessments in counseling clients because I do not have the experience yet and so it is hard to see how everything flows right now so this is what this discussion should be about.

6) Discussion 7.2

Simon, a 16-year-old male, has always performed adequately in school. This semester his math scores dropped from Bs to Fs, but his other grades have remained Bs. IQ testing with the WAIS-IV revealed that he has an average overall IQ without any major deficiencies. Do these normal findings provide useful diagnostic information? How so? What might be happening with Simon?